28 July 2011

Introduction: Welcome to my blog


So I was pressured by a friend into starting a blog. Well, I used to use livejournal but this is slightly different. Please give me a bit of time to figure out the tone of the blog. Mostly, I intend to focus on making American Girl doll clothes and how to organize your American Girl collection. I might even try making a few YouTube videos about it.

A bit of background about me. I am not a professional sewer. The blog will probably focus on my errors more than the successes. Pro sewers will probably find fault with my methods, but those who are just starting out might find what I do useful. I'll try to focus on where I get my material, how I do the patterns, some of the sewing tricks I've picked up, and what not to do--things like that. So, I am not a seamstress, what am I? I am a mechanical engineer. I work for the military putting boxes in other boxes. Nothing especially relevant to the blog. I've had an American Girl doll for about 20 years--a Molly. I stopped collecting the dolls when I went off to college (and maybe before that in high school, I can't recall) but started up again this winter. My collection has gone from the one doll to 16 or so today. To keep myself away from the ebay as much, I started sewing dresses for my dolls. I am creative, but often have trouble finishing projects. Doll clothes are great because it honestly doesn't take that much time to make an outfit. I've done a Josefina dress in a day. Of course, I also did one that took nearly a week. It depends on what you decide to use to embellish the outfit.

Stay tuned for more posts.

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